Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Online fallout and other updates

As of April 15, 2011 the bottom has fallen out from the three largest online poker real money gambling websites.  The USA's Department of Justice has gone after these guys for allegedly money laundering, wire fraud, and illegal online gambling. 

Soooooo what does that change for me?  Nothing really.  My plan has always been to win in live tournament setting.  Rumors are spreading like wildfire relating to where the online grinders will go.  Well, I suppose they will have to get up off of their computer desks and play poker with people in front of them. 

I have a friend whom is struggling with the thought of having to play against people better than him.  He could always play on his computer at home and anonymously lose a lot of money.  Mention to him where the grinders will be... and he makes a disgruntled face.  Vegas and casinos in the USA will be the new honey hole. 

Tom Dwan, a reputable high stakes player, believes that this years WSOP will go from approximately 8k to 5144 players. 
What happens is that online players from all over earn / win entries the series via online gambling.  This will surely take a toll on the total payout.  But I like it because now there's a better chance to win. !! IMO.

Currently, I've been working out almost every morning lifting free weights and eating healthy throughout the day.  I feel better since having made the decision to get back into better shape.  I haven't got in as much of the cardio as i would like, but most of that is due to being too sore to do anything!  I'll keep you posted on how that continues.

We have a plan to be in Vegas next week.  I'm not sure if I'll be there 100%, but if i do, its going to be all business.

I'm going there with the mission of taking down some poker tourneys.  Since the online fallout, there should be bigger crowds and bigger prize pools. 

If I go, I'm only taking about 1k for tournaments.  I told my friends that I'll play the $100 tourney, but feel that the people who play those generally don't care about the cards and are still fish.  Which is great, but they are all over the map with their bets and taking lines that don't make any sense at all.  A slightly better player will have a clearer picture, and a great player will keep you guessing the whole time.  The difference between the fish and the sharks is that the fish don't understand why they really won, and how bad the odds really were against them. 

Besides, loosing $100 is easier than loosing $350 - $1000.

We'll see if I make it.  I consider these test runs as tuition.  You can educate yourself all you want on a subject, but it doesn't mean anything near as much if you never experience it. 

Even if one loses, if you learn from your mistakes, you never walk away empty handed.


REPOST FROM 4/11- Random thoughts about health and the reality of high stakes

So I took a 30 nap this afternoon, and here I am at 1:30 in the morning.

Which has led me to discuss the topics: how healthy should one be to play competitive poker?; as well as; is the high stakes poker we see on tv "not the real world?"

As far as I know, health in any type of competition is important. Even in competitive eating, the skinny guy wins because his stomach can expand further due to not being limited by the fat around his stomach.

But I've seen guys on tv that are HUGE, and are final tabling televised events. So this begs the question, does it even matter?

So I'm obese according to the US government, but so is 75% of the USA. I fluctuate between 185-194 and am currently on the higher end of the spectrum. Heres the thing... Let's say that I final table a big event. The opportunities that can come from that regarding sponsorships, promos, apparel, etc, are awesome. But in the current poker world, big guys/girls don't command a lot of attention.

So I've come to a decision.

In order for me to have the best possibility in becoming fully successful, I will get in shape.

This means that I need to now incorporate an eating and working out ethic into my current life schedule.
There's plenty already in my life, but the worst thing that can happen if I don't get to my goal is that I look and feel positive! Either way I win.

Now as for the question of reality in the poker world, here are my thoughts.

I recently saw a show on high stakes poker where players wanted to see this guy's hand. He said he would show for 2K. The most that other players came up with was 1700. They all had several hundred K to play with, but none ponied up the rest and he didn't show. One of the players says, "in the real world, that's a lot of money". So it got me to thinking... What is $1700 to an average person that works a 45k a year job? A lot of money.!!

So does one lose sense of what even a little bit of money really is? What's more, is it wrong to not care that money loses its value?

What are your thoughts?

Truth is, I'd like to find out for myself! I'll keep you posted if I ever do.

Its late and I need to get some rest for the grueling task of getting in shape and eating right.

-Alex EagleR

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back in learning mode!

I officially finished my first poker book  KILL EVERYONE - Advanced NLHE Strategy.  It was purchased on January 28th and has taken me 10 weeks to complete.  It reminded me of my old mathematics courses and the procrastination I was not so proud of.  Essentially, I could cram for mid terms and finals through every subject but math.  I always disliked that I couldn't cram at the last minute and pass with flying colors.  You have to eat this book like a tough steak.  Cut it up into small pieces and digest it.  Repeat.

It's one of those things that you can't rush and it makes me feel much like a scientist.  Trying out theories, discussing strategies, and implementing your own added style.  Yea, my brain sometimes hurt too.

So now I'm on to the next book.  Mike Caro's THE THEORY OF POKER

I'll continue to sharpen the tools before I jump back on to the tables.  I'm feeling good about understanding the why and not just the how.

-Alex EagleR