Wednesday, April 20, 2011

REPOST FROM 4/11- Random thoughts about health and the reality of high stakes

So I took a 30 nap this afternoon, and here I am at 1:30 in the morning.

Which has led me to discuss the topics: how healthy should one be to play competitive poker?; as well as; is the high stakes poker we see on tv "not the real world?"

As far as I know, health in any type of competition is important. Even in competitive eating, the skinny guy wins because his stomach can expand further due to not being limited by the fat around his stomach.

But I've seen guys on tv that are HUGE, and are final tabling televised events. So this begs the question, does it even matter?

So I'm obese according to the US government, but so is 75% of the USA. I fluctuate between 185-194 and am currently on the higher end of the spectrum. Heres the thing... Let's say that I final table a big event. The opportunities that can come from that regarding sponsorships, promos, apparel, etc, are awesome. But in the current poker world, big guys/girls don't command a lot of attention.

So I've come to a decision.

In order for me to have the best possibility in becoming fully successful, I will get in shape.

This means that I need to now incorporate an eating and working out ethic into my current life schedule.
There's plenty already in my life, but the worst thing that can happen if I don't get to my goal is that I look and feel positive! Either way I win.

Now as for the question of reality in the poker world, here are my thoughts.

I recently saw a show on high stakes poker where players wanted to see this guy's hand. He said he would show for 2K. The most that other players came up with was 1700. They all had several hundred K to play with, but none ponied up the rest and he didn't show. One of the players says, "in the real world, that's a lot of money". So it got me to thinking... What is $1700 to an average person that works a 45k a year job? A lot of money.!!

So does one lose sense of what even a little bit of money really is? What's more, is it wrong to not care that money loses its value?

What are your thoughts?

Truth is, I'd like to find out for myself! I'll keep you posted if I ever do.

Its late and I need to get some rest for the grueling task of getting in shape and eating right.

-Alex EagleR

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